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If you have a problem with ProRrender, find a solution here.
I tried uploading my project scene itself, and it fails to go to queue page
AMD Radeon™ Prorender has their own format called “.RPR” and “RPRSB” the project needs to export as RPR file in order to render on Renderpool. For more check our How to Use Page. https://renderpool.net/howto/
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What is the output format after rendering in ProRender?
OpenEXR (EXR), Multi-layer EXR, TIFF and PNG are the current output formats available.
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Which ProRender plugin is supported?
We currently support Autodesk Maya, Blender, and Houdini as ongoing update, as with Autodesk 3dsMax, Unreal Engine, and USD too. Please check our software page. https://renderpool.net/software/
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